The secret to sustainable self-leadership
She never set out to be the center of attention. She simply showed up in every space with compelling intention. She knew she was different, in a rare and special sort of way.
And yet it was a constant source of internal conflict.
You’re too much, intense, over-the-top.
Time, energy, intention, emotion and mindshare are the most VALUABLE assets you possess.
Being different can feel equally inspiring and isolating, particularly in a culture that conditions women to apologize for ambition.
We were taught to be passive with our passion, watch what we say, when we say it, and to whom. We’re taught to hold back and wait to be invited to “try sitting in on a meeting” long after we're ready to claim the seat at the head of the table.
She made it mean something was wrong with her; felt embarrassed freely enjoying her financial earnings; awkward about announcing accolades she'd attained.
Deflected compliments. Dismissed contributions. Downplayed capabilities. Denied creativity.
By the time she came for coaching, this brilliant woman who had so much going for her had stopped going for it., dimming her light so she wouldn’t shine too brightly for them and left her in the dark.
She had lost sight of herself when she abandoned her destiny to accommodate their discomfort.
Like many other smart women, she got stuck in this same sort of stagnation, stemming from a common misapprehension about other people’s perceptions.
Where did we get the idea that their opinions of us mean something about us? Or that preservation of our reputation requires a rebuttal? How much effort and energy are exhausted in that needless distraction?
Opinions are just thoughts that get created in the mind. Independent thinking is what makes us individuals.
People are free to interpret their experiences however they choose. If their view of you makes them uncomfortable, that's their problem. And if their discomfort makes you uncomfortable, that might be your problem.
How you purpose them is 100 percent in your control, and learning to eliminate subconscious distractions is the secret to sustainable self-leadership.