The first time you see it is never their first time doing it
People only ever do + say what they can get away with. They'll keep pushing the limits of what's fair, decent, legal, ethical, and moral.
Expect it.
They get to do that. That's their agency. They're showing who they are.
Your agency reveals who you are. Your power in any circumstance comes from how you respond. Yes, you have power.
Remember that, will you? You are forever powerfully 100 percent in control.
Your personal leadership brand becomes the vision that simultaneously CLARIFIES + ELEVATES
your purpose.
Answer this question: Will I keep my integrity when they act with impunity?
Unplanned, unwelcome events are made predictable + manageable when you lead yourself in accordance with your values.
Women come to me after saying they didn’t know there was anything they could do. When emotions are high, intelligence is low. When we're shocked or triggered, our nervous system runs a default trauma reaction: fight, flight, freeze, or fawn.
As little girls, we're socialized to believe that creating the best outcome for ourselves, even for our security or survival, is selfish.
We were taught to dismiss our needs + defer to older, more experienced authority figures.
You take these lessons into the workplace conflating people's titles + org chart position in a way that makes them appear intimidating.
“Unplanned, unwelcome events are made predictable + manageable when you lead yourself in accordance with your values.”
We subconsciously elevate their power so when they do something inappropriate, dishonest or tyrannical, they become the oppressive villain and we are the oppressed victim.
Then from a place of disempowerment, we compound their wrongdoing by talking ourselves out of doing what’s right.
You'll know it's happening when you find yourself arguing with the reality of who they are, which is why you must be skilled at redirecting your mind to focus on the reality of who you get to be.
When you’re clear about your leadership identity, you can’t help but operate from integrity.
I want to equip you with this strategy now so you’ll always be ready.